Brad Horne

  • Ann Hepner replied to the topic Hi There in the forum Introductions 4 years, 1 month ago

    Welcome Joy! You have come to the right place to learn how to strum and change chords so that you can play along when you sing. It takes dedicated practice. You will get great instruction from Jonathan and support from the group. Success is right around the corner. All the best to you!

  • Ann Hepner replied to the topic Hello ! in the forum Introductions 4 years, 1 month ago

    <p class=”p1″ style=”margin: 0px; font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-stretch: normal; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; font-family: ‘Helvetica Neue’; color: #000000;”>Welcome Arn! So glad you found this group. My suggestion would be that you watch Jonathan’s Country Roads video (along with the chord chart)and sing along with him without playing. T…Read More

  • Welcome Aida!  It’s now Aida! You have come to the right place to be successful in your goal. Looking forward to seeing your progress.

    All the best to you!

  • Welcome Elina, You have wonderful goals and have come to the right place to achieve them. Jonathan is a wonderful teacher and  this is a very supportive group.

    I’ll be looking forward to seeing your progress in worshiping the Lord through your playing.

    All the best to you Elina!

  • Welcome Joe! You are in exactly the right place! Your goals in playing the guitar are very similar to what mine were. Mostly playing hymns for myself. Here, you can go at your own pace and still get the instructional support you need from Jonathan. If you can even eke out 15-20 minutes a day…every two days, you will meet your goals. As you progress I’m betting you will find even more…Read More

  • Ann Hepner replied to the topic Lois Olayemi in the forum Introductions 4 years, 3 months ago

    Welcome Lois!

    You picked a perfect place to reach your goals in playing the guitar. Jonathan wants you to succeed and will be very responsive in helping you with any problems you run into. You will find this group very supportive too.

    All the best to you.



  • Welcome Mari!

    You have come to the right place to reach your goals. You can practice and learn at your own speed and will get the support you need from Jonathan and this group. Stay determined and you will be blessed.

    All the best to you.

  • Welcome Denis! Glad to see you found “Simplified Guitar” I think you will find this group supportive and Jonathan a very capable instructor who goes the extra mile to help us.

    All the best to you Denis!

  • Hello Jane,
    After I retired three years ago I found Jonathan’s Simplified Guitar course. There have been so many changes in my life since then. My goal was to just be able to play and sing simple hymns to the Lord. So for the past three years I have been blessed to be able to do that.

    I know you will be successful too.

  • Welcome Jane,

    Glad you found this group. Jonathan is a wonderful teacher and this group is very supportive. It sounds like you will have a lot of support for home too. All the best to you Jane.

    p.s. Your great nephew Quest is a cutie.


  • Welcome Bruce! You’ve come to the right place to be successful with your guitar goals. You can go at your own speed here and if you run into any kind of problems, Jonathan will always help you get through them. Also, this group is very supportive. All the best to you.

  • Ann Hepner replied to the topic Chase Keeney in the forum Introductions 4 years, 4 months ago

    Welcome Chase! Glad you joined our group. Your goal in learning so that you can play in your church is excellent! That goal will help you to be faithful in your practice routine. Jonathan is an excellent teacher and I think you will find this group supportive. All the best to you Chase.

  • Ann Hepner replied to the topic Newbie in the forum Introductions 4 years, 5 months ago

    Welcome aboard Ric!

    I believe that you have come to the perfect place to continue to learn how to play the guitar. You will have a great instructor in Jonathan and a supportive group here. With practice, it won’t be long and your wife will be requesting songs and rejoicing in your success. All the best to you.

  • <p>Welcome Tony! So glad you have found our group. I think you have already realized that Jonathan has a wonderful way of teaching, especially beginners. He and this group are very supportive and we look forward to your success. All the best to you!</p>

  • Welcome to you Steve! So glad you found our group. You will find Jonathan a helpful teacher and this group very supportive. All the best to you.

  • Welcome Dee! So glad you found your desire to play guitar again. I’m sure you will enjoy this group and will find great success under Jonathan’s guidance. All the best to you!

  • Ann Hepner replied to the topic Greetings in the forum Introductions 4 years, 6 months ago

    Hello Ben! Welcome to the group.  So glad you found us. Jonathan is a wonderful teacher. I’m sure you will find success here. All the best to you.

  • Welcome Marshall! So glad you found our group. It is a great place to learn to and get the support you need to reach your goals successfully. All the best to you.

  • Hello Gareth,

    Welcome to the group. This is a wonderful place to learn Christian songs and Jonathan is always willing to help us at any stage we are in. All the best to you Gareth.

  • Ann Hepner replied to the topic Intro in the forum Introductions 4 years, 8 months ago

    Welcome Stan!

    It sounds like you have a jump start on learning the guitar. That’s great! I’m sure you will be helping with the worship music at your church before long. That’s a wonderful goal to set.

    Jonathan is a great teacher and this is a terrific group to be a part of. All the best to you Stan. Glad you are here.

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