Sharon Gallagher

Forum Replies Created

  • January 3, 2022 at 7:51 pm #6483
    Sharon Gallagher

    Thanks for the clarification Jonathan.  Now I have down loaded all my new charts and noticed on the superscript 1/2. I assume then that the cord change will be on the 3rd beat for 4/4…? (that will take some practise;)

    Also, do you have any recommendation on managing your paper copies while playing ? Seperate pages on a music stand, or would you bind them…? or figure out a digital solution?

    It would be helpful if the second pages had a page number and a  heading  linking the song sheets together.  Also, I find the superscript very tiny and light and very difficult to see…could be just my eyes though:)

    Thanks again for all you do!


    January 2, 2022 at 10:35 pm #6481
    Sharon Gallagher

    Is there an advantage to purchase Music Notes Pro for $14.99 to get Simplified Guitar cord charts or is it better to just to buy the $1.99/copy?

    November 6, 2021 at 6:28 pm #6348
    Sharon Gallagher

    I just discovered this as well and it threw me off as well, but actually I am glad for the change because now  for a couple of dollars, I can have a standardize chart with Jonathan’s notations on it whereas before it wasn’t always the case.  I am also happy that original artists are paid for their work and I really hope that Jonathan also gets some of the tiny $2 pie considering all the effort he puts into this material:).