Tom Marques

Forum Replies Created

  • December 21, 2018 at 3:38 pm #4317
    Tom Marques

    Hi David,  Welcome.  I can’t help but believe you were very instrumental in the success of your kids.  Sometimes we can be much more encouraging to others than to ourselves.  Maybe as we get older accomplishing something for ourselves can move a little upward in our priorities.  Playing guitar is probably the only thing on my bucket list that I have much control over.  Learning guitar is something we can all do if we put forth the effort. We get enjoyment and satisfaction to boot.     Tom

    December 21, 2018 at 2:36 pm #4316
    Tom Marques

    Sorry I missed the live class but I just watched the replay.  Right away I noticed when you alternated the C and G chords you played a three finger G without using the index finger.  Almost immediately I can transition good copying your movements.  Dropping the ring and middle fingers one string and applying the index finger makes going from G to C a breeze.  I was using the 4 finger G and that takes more adjustments to transition to C.  Thanks so much.  I’m working on the E to Bsus now.  Lesson 4 is going to take more than a week to get comfortable with all the chord changes from the E starting position but I’ll get it.  Thanks again for showing alternative chord shapes and reminding me that sometimes using different fingers for certain situations makes things easier. Tom

    December 20, 2018 at 12:04 pm #4308
    Tom Marques

    I’m practicing the chord changes as you suggest and I know it’s a matter of time and repetition till I pick up the speed I’m looking for.  I introduced a metronome app so I can keep the changes smooth and track my progress.  I definitely feel it will all come together.  Usually improvement for me is gradual and hard to notice it’s even taking place.  As I speed up the metronome I’ll see the advances I’m making.