Thomas Biesiada

Forum Replies Created

  • April 7, 2020 at 11:10 am #5179
    Thomas Biesiada

    just kidding about the bleeding 🙂

    April 6, 2020 at 5:11 pm #5175
    Thomas Biesiada

    Thanks for including the  7-day link for Ric. That was a big help! It also helps to turn the volume down when I practice with you in recordings. I agree, to start there is a lot going on to keep track of during those recordings

    I’m pleased with my practice progress but it’s all theory. Ouch! I have so many different (I won’t say bad) habits to break from the old days when I  play the song (Blessed be His Name) with you on the recordings.

    I was never taught the “sweet spot”. My fingers are not happy with this adjustment. Blunted and twang strings are even more numerous than before. The other thing I run into is that my fingers jump to old (two finger EM) and three finger C, G, and D just by seeing the chord written on the song sheet. Talk about old time muscle memory! Awhhhhhhh. It’s like my fingers have a mind of their own. : >O

    April 6, 2020 at 1:22 pm #5174
    Thomas Biesiada

    Sorry about the typo. You will NOT regret it after your epiphany occurs.

    April 6, 2020 at 1:21 pm #5173
    Thomas Biesiada

    Hi Margaret,

    know that you are in my prayers for your struggles. Have you done any research on plasticity of the brain? Dr. Daniel Siegel is renowned in his work in this area. You might find it helpful to you in other areas besides playing guitar.It’s weird when I clicked on your photo space I get a site called Gravatar. I’ve never seen that before. Keep practicing you will regret it after your epiphany occurs.


    April 6, 2020 at 1:14 pm #5172
    Thomas Biesiada

    Hi Charles,

    What have you been up to since this Nov post. Do your fingertips have calluses yet? I’m in Indiana. We are not too far away from each other.Practice makes perfect! 🙂


    April 6, 2020 at 1:11 pm #5171
    Thomas Biesiada

    Hi Ben,

    You might still be a member since your in the forum. What you been up to since your seven day trial? Love to hear from you.


    April 6, 2020 at 1:05 pm #5170
    Thomas Biesiada

    Hi Marshall,

    Isn’t amazing to learn information that we didn’t even know we were missing?! I’m having the same experience that you describe in your intro. I’m looking forward to continuing our posts.


    April 6, 2020 at 1:00 pm #5169
    Thomas Biesiada

    Hi Dee,

    I enjoyed reading your story. It is so obvious how much emotional spirit you have within you. Soon you’ll be writing your own songs I’m sure of it. Stay in touch!


    April 6, 2020 at 12:55 pm #5168
    Thomas Biesiada

    Hi Tony,

    I’m 66. We will struggle through this together. I hope you stay in touch on the posting. 🙂




    April 6, 2020 at 12:52 pm #5167
    Thomas Biesiada

    Hi Steve,

    Sounds like you might be self-taught as well. Maybe took lessons in early school? I love the name of your city. I’ll bet there’s a story behind that 🙂




    April 6, 2020 at 12:44 pm #5166
    Thomas Biesiada

    Hi Richard,

    I’m 66 year’s-old. The only thing better than retirement is being a Grandfather. I hope you are able to take that 2nd leap soon. As a barber you can take your guitar to work and practice while waiting for patients customers. lol.

    Stay in touch in the forum. I’ll do the same.


    April 6, 2020 at 12:38 pm #5165
    Thomas Biesiada

    Hi Bruce,

    I played for a while a long time ago, self taught. I can tell you the key is practice because the more you practice the more callous you form in your fingertip and the more enjoyable practice becomes in comparison. You wrote this in February so you have  probably made tremendous progress since then. I’ll try to catch up on your other posts soon.



    April 6, 2020 at 12:33 pm #5164
    Thomas Biesiada

    Hi Denis,

    My prayers are turned toward your accomplishments!


    April 6, 2020 at 12:31 pm #5163
    Thomas Biesiada

    Hi Jane,

    Nice to meet you. Cleveland shouldn’t be cold anymore. Fort Wayne, Indiana layed down a blanket of snow for us only four times this year.

    My older sister played guitar when I was a kid and we would have spontaneous hootenannies. My grandmother taught my older brothers piano and I between the ages of 6 and 10 sang along, sometimes hammering a drum or blowing a flute. It was a blast and helped shape my craving for creating my own music!


    April 6, 2020 at 12:16 pm #5162
    Thomas Biesiada

    Hi Mari,

    I like the idea of prayer devotions with the guitar! I lived in San Diego, California for 40 years. In 2008 I returned to my hometown in Indiana believe it or not. It was definitely the right move even though I miss the ocean and the other California perks. Have fun with your practice!
