• November 28, 2021 at 9:33 am #6395
    Sheila A

    I am glad I get to join this group. Jonathan, thanks for creating this course.

    I started learning how to play the guitar two month ago but I can’t really play any song well.

    My purpose of learning the guitar is to enrich my worship life. I love to sing and worship but I have never included an instrument. I chose the guitar over the piano/keyboard because I can take it anywhere.

    My short term goal is to be able to play “The Goodness of God” by January 15, 2022 at a friends bridal shower.

    My long term goal is to play at our small bible study group and on the worship team.


    Minnesota, USA

    November 28, 2021 at 11:05 am #6397

    Welcome Sheila! So glad to have you here. I love your very specific goals you’ve created. That will help you stay on track for sure. Keep us posted with your progress!

    You never fail until you quit!

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