• January 31, 2022 at 2:38 pm #6526
    Tracy Rocha

    Everything seemed good until I started practicing my first song (Blessed Be Your Name) and then it seemed like even in the Slow Motion Version Jonathan’s strumming hand was going so much faster than in his tutorial.  I was lost. I couldn’t hear the pattern that seemed so obvious in the tutorial.

    February 1, 2022 at 11:45 pm #6530

    Hey Tracy, yea, Blessed Be Your Name is a bit fast and the melody is off beat a bit from the rhythm, so it may be a bit hard to follow for a first song trying to tackle the pattern. If I were you, I’d try out one of the songs in the 7 day song challenge section. All 4 of those use the driving pattern and they are much simpler in terms of structure. It will probably help you wrap your mind around the pattern and then once you have one of those songs down, you can move on to others.

    You never fail until you quit!

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