• May 25, 2018 at 3:50 pm #3494
    Ann Hepner

    I have many ongoing goals and will continue with them. For example, continually trying to improve my strumming, chord changes and learning new songs.  In addition my new goal is to learn the Inverse Pattern that Jonathan has shown us with Great Is Thy Faithfulness. My main purpose for learning this new pattern is to add a softer technique and a more melodic sound to my playing.

    I’m not even thinking about singing along at this point. My mind is muddled enough with which fingers to use and the correct order of picking the strings.  I plan on setting aside some time at the end of my regular practice session each day to learn this new pattern. We will see how it goes!

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Ann Hepner.
    May 26, 2018 at 6:59 am #3496
    Cheryl Davidson

    My current purpose and plan is multifaceted like you Ann.


    1. I love music.  It is a universal language.  You can transmit emotion and energy through it, and connect with people soul to soul.  I have always wanted to share like that.  I still want to get to the skill level (like I described in my Introduction) to play favorite songs, and maybe even write my own.
    2. I recently found a used guitar that was so lightly played it still had factory stickers on it.  It is a future challenge.   It is a Washburn 12 string solid wood acoustic-electric guitar (spruce top, mahogany back/sides, and a maple neck).  It sounded so awesome and was so reasonably priced; I bought it.  I am going to learn fingerpicking when my skill level improves, and this is the perfect media and inspiration.  (If this goes well, I would also like to try ukulele, mandolin, banjo, and violin.)
    3. My maternal Grandfather turned 95 this year.  He is in a stage of life where his body is wearing out.  He has been in and out of the hospital for the past 1 1/2 months.  He has complicated medical issues, and is hard to treat one problem without causing another.  He was a hero in WWII, and came home with a box full of medals including 5 bronze stars (What a feat!).  He worked as a coal miner, and spent many years covered in black dust so thick you couldn’t see who he was.  He has a dream that one of his family will play a guitar, sing, and be so good they become a Country Music Star.  He tried with my mother, and she couldn’t/wouldn’t/didn’t have persistence.  He is trying again with my daughter, and I am not sure we will make his dream come true, but she (and I) are trying to get a part of his dream to come true before his body is done, and he goes to another place.


    • Short term:  Successfully complete basic training here, by breaking down skill challenges and working on struggles until I master them.  I will create a daily schedule that helps me do that (even if it is only 5 minutes.  I have also had successful mental training when I couldn’t do an activity.  It actually works to close your eyes a minute, and imagine placing your fingers, making chords, and mentally practicing.).  I would also like to be able to play a song with my daughter in front of my Grandpa before I can’t on this world.
    • Long term:  If I conquer basic, I am going for medium level, then advanced (by starting small, and making little steps to learn and increase my skill).  I will learn to fingerpick that 12 string the same way.  Somewhere I hope that inspiration finds me and I start writing my own songs.  I believe the best songs are inspired, not struggled with.  I have to keep my heart open to letting the inspiration in.

    Thank you for reading and sharing my purposes and plans.


    Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. Col 3:16

    May 26, 2018 at 8:40 am #3497
    Ann Hepner

    Cheryl, you have wonderful and inspirational goals along with a firm purpose.

    You also have the mind set to attain them all. It will be a joy to hear how you are progressing.

    May God bless you on your journey.

    May 28, 2018 at 9:41 am #3498

    Cheryl, that is a great purpose, and should keep you motivated to continue learning.

    I agree that music is a universal language, and transcends other forms of communication. It is a wonderful thing to be able to create your own music, and I hope you are able to achieve that one day as well.

    Thanks for sharing your story with us!

    You never fail until you quit!

    June 13, 2018 at 2:12 pm #3537

    Hi Folks

    I was drawn to this site because I was drawn to Jonathan. From reading his background, he appears to be a man of faith and a great family man. It was a no brainer to financially support him. This country needs many more like him.

    That said, I must confess that I am not a beginner. I played some in my teens, altho I never took lessons. I can read music and pick out melodies. I can play the dreaded barre chords and pentatonic scales. Life got busy and I stopped playing for around 50 years.

    Despite all of that, I can and have learned lots from this course. With lots of improvement I hope to bring my strumming up to the crappy level. I use Jonathan’s videos and his gifted voice to practice, practice practice strumming. And it is getting better. I hope all of you derive as much benefit from this course as I have.  Good luck. I now return to Another Day in Paradise and the folk strum.  Thanks Jonathan

    June 13, 2018 at 4:59 pm #3540
    Ann Hepner

    Glad you’re here James!
    You are correct about Jonathan. He is a man of faith and a family man. He is conscientious in trying to always give us the best tools to make us better guitar players.
    Looks like you’ve had a bit of a gap in your guitar playing experience but the important thing is that you have returned to it.
    All the best to you James.

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Ann Hepner.
    June 15, 2018 at 5:49 am #3542
    Cheryl Davidson

    Hello James,

    I share your feeling of being drawn here.  I truly hope you will enjoy the good spirit here.  Even though I have never met this group in person, it feels like a family.  We are all trying to keep everything our own life needs us to do, and to fulfill a need to learn, make music, and have fun (even if it is hard work).  Great to have you here!

    Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. Col 3:16

    June 15, 2018 at 6:21 am #3543
    Cheryl Davidson

    Follow up to my plan and purpose:

    I just returned from traveling on a long ago planned trip to visit my best friend in San Diego.  I had strong feelings about going, and repeatedly spoke to family about changing it.  I was uneasy because my Grandpa was failing in health.  My family said he would tell you to go and enjoy yourself, so go.  I went.

    I called daily, because of the unrest.  Sunday, I felt a peaceful release and tried to hold on to that.  I then got a message that my Grandpa was not in good shape, so I hurried as soon as I get out of the plane home.  He was sleeping, and had been since Sunday (Coincidence?  I do not think so.)  I held his hand.  I kissed his cheek and his forehead.  I told him I made it.  I told him I loved him.  I told him I knew he couldn’t respond, but could tell he knew I was there.

    I went home with my husband and daughter, took care of them.  And went back to visit Wednesday morning.  I told him again.  Started helping around there, when my Mom asked if we should prepare his next dose of medicine.  We did this, and I started to give it to him, when I realized he had just stopped breathing.  I felt for a pulse; none.

    He had told us of dreams he had of layers of heaven, as written in Hebrew texts.  Amazing that he was shown where he was going!

    I had a strange and strong impulse before I went on my trip, and I got the premium guitar that was supposed to be my guitar class graduation present.  I didn’t do a great job, but I played it for him at his last hospital visit.  I will play it more for him while he watches and listens from that place he told us of.

    I recently read a book written by Justine Felix Rutherford “Root Jumper”.   I will quote her because I can’t say it any better, “I think that life is a sort of torch that we are meant to hold up, and I want to make the torch burn as brightly as I can before I hand it over to the next generation.”

    Thank you for reading.  God bless you.

    Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. Col 3:16

    June 15, 2018 at 10:05 am #3544
    Ann Hepner

    I’m sorry for the loss of your grandpa, Cheryl. May the Lord comfort your heart until you meet again.
    I’m so happy you played for your grandpa. I’m thinking that he never heard such sweet music that day…because it was you who played it for him. That was so special and something you will never forget. Keep that torch going!

    July 4, 2018 at 7:20 pm #3621
    Beth Hess


    My Purpose – Related to guitar.

    I too bought a lovely used acoustical strum guitar and I’d like to someday be able to use it in service, like at the nursing home, or to cheer a shut in, etc.   I already owned a student classical guitar, but am a beginner.

    My Plan.

    I haven’t picked up the guitar in a couple months due to other unavoidable things.  So I’ve got some catching up.

    Using the tips that Jonathon shared in the beginner course, I’m setting up time each day to practice, and trying not to get frustrated!

    I plan to give myself plenty of time to learn more of the Christmas hymns in time for the season:

    a) At least 2 in the classical style guitar.  Silent Night and Oh Holy Night.   I can’t sing and with this style the melody will be heard without my having to sing.

    b) At least 5 in the chord style guitar, to be played as accompaniment.  I’m still working on the song list.

    I have enjoyed reading each of your comments, and agree.

    July 5, 2018 at 8:42 am #3622
    Ann Hepner

    Beth, you have made great goals for yourself. I have every confidence that you will stick with it and be successful!

    We are in this together. All the best to you!


    September 19, 2018 at 9:06 am #4185
    Beth Hess

    My update:  After having gone thru  downsizing, transitioning parents and grandparents things to siblings and grandchildren,  and then moving, I am back on board to practicing guitar.   I am sticking with strum guitar, and plan to focus on the E chords so I can finally honestly  complete the beginner course.   I can play silent night and the first noel pretty well.

    Right now working on “Last Christmas” – in E,  want to have this well learned in 7 days.

    Will then move to a level 2 in E.

    Jonathon, your course plans are great.



    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Beth Hess.
    February 2, 2019 at 2:09 pm #4377
    Bruce Brannon

    Cheryl I am so sorry for your loss. As a pastor I understand your pain on a personal matter but I have also spent time with families as they experienced such loss. I will be praying for you that God would give you peace that transcends all understanding. I love the prophet Isaiah when he was talking about the coming Messiah one of the names he called Him was the Prince of Peace. God bless you and keep playing your guitar for your grandpa.

    February 17, 2019 at 10:46 am #4411
    Marjorie Orwig


    I have taken guitar  lessons  before but I  struggled with wanting to continue because I started college and  worked full time. I am also a worship leader at church and I  felt as though I needed to work on learning to do something besides just sing. In YouTube I found Jonathon’s version of Good Good Father and began practicing to it, but the other day I decided I  wanted to work on a song that is part of my worship list. Suddenly I realized that the way Jonathon does chords is not the same as my chord chart. I chose not to fall into hopeless despair, but instead, research why. That’s when I found more videos and decided to sign up just yesterday. I will be starting the 7 day challenge today, and do my best to meet  my goals each day. I do still work full time, and I am in college but I know God doesn’t open doors without providing a way through them.

    February 17, 2019 at 6:00 pm #4412
    Ann Hepner

    Hello Marjorie! Welcome aboard. I think you will be happy with your decision to join this group. You have the right mind set to do very well and Jonathan is the right person to help you succeed in your journey. In addition you will get a lot of support right here from your fellow guitar students. All the best to you Marjorie.


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