• May 22, 2019 at 6:24 am #4610
    Ruby Rebustillo

    im always struggling on my 4th,and 5th,finger,and my sound is not clear it muted,im trying to press it on the right perpedecular,but i don’t know why is the sound not getting well.im stuck on the song blessed be your name, my sound is muted ,do I press it right?my Cadd9transition to D/F# is always make hard, how can i improved it.help me jonathan my progress is not yet movingly don’t want to quit, i want to improve more and more, pls.teach me.thank you so much.and im so sorry if my grammar or words is hard to understand, but i do believe you know what im saying,kindly tell me how can i have a clear sound.


    May 22, 2019 at 7:00 am #4611

    Hello Ruby,

    Could you do another video post on the Facebook Group of you playing through a few progressions? And maybe put the camera closer to your hand so I can see clearly what you are doing. I will be able to give you clearer direction on your problem areas.

    But in general, I will say that the main problem with your pinky and ring finger is lack of strength. It may take a month before you start hearing a difference from those fingers, because they need to get stronger, and that takes time. Keep practicing these chords everyday, at least a few minutes a day, and they will improve over time if you do not give up.
    Same with your transition. If Cadd9 to D/F# is your struggle, set a timer for 10 minutes and do the muscle memory practice, going back and forth from Cadd9 to D/F# over and over. Repetition is important.

    And do not expect improvement by tomorrow. It will take time. Maybe start these 2 practices today, and practice this every day for at least 30 minutes, and check your progress this time next week, and see if you have improved for transition speed and clear chords.

    Another issue may be the strings on your guitar. If you want, you can change them and get extra light gauge. They are easier to press down.

    You never fail until you quit!

    May 23, 2019 at 4:05 am #4612
    Ruby Rebustillo

    thank you so much Jonathan. I will do what you say. To make a new progress in my practice. All what you said about it right. And also I try to do to change a light  gauge, i will try also to make another video post. But I’m not good how to put the camera closer. But I will try. And one more question until now I don’t know how to do change the chords, or the proper putting the capo to get the key of my voice. If high turn to low, and Low turn to high. And I’m still on the level 1 the G chords Family, as you said master one song. Then all the while is become easier right? Sometime I’ll pick up another  library song in G chords Family. To just try but I always back on the main one song to be perfect. Thank you Jonathan i do my best to learn more and more and to be patient. Never quit ? God bless ?

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