• September 28, 2020 at 4:23 pm #5472
    Wayne Millard

    Any chance of a tutorial for the old Elvis song, Let Me Be Your Teddy Bear?  I learned the basics on a keyboard (enough to play a handful of songs) and drums as a kid.  I have talked many times with my wife that I’d some day like to learn the guitar, but never really had the time to do it.  My daughter wanted a guitar for her 10th birthday at the end of August, so I watched a few YouTube videos to help her learn a few chords and became addicted (within a week my daughter suggested (demanded??) that I get my own guitar.  My wife has been very patient over this past month as I have spent a little time each evening having fun learning something new.  She has always loved teddy bears and I started singing that song to her early on in our marriage.  I would love to be able to learn that song for her on the guitar.

    September 29, 2020 at 1:43 pm #5473

    Hey Wayne, that’s a great goal to have for sure!

    I’ll go over it in this week’s live class. (Friday Oct 2nd, 12pm central)

    You never fail until you quit!

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