• May 6, 2020 at 11:17 am #5252
    Joseph Biesiada


    My name is Joe and I’m from California;

    I have been trying to learn the guitar for about a year now off and on and have not even played a song yet. Was going to give it up until I found this class and decided to give it another shot. Part of my problem is time to practice in my busy life but its mostly frustration. Hard for me to get clean sounding cords. This glass seems to have a good system so I thought I would give it a try.

    All that I really want to do is play worship music for myself and maybe around the camp fire with some friends if I can get good enough.

    I really like forums for things I do for the support I can get and the support I can give. Right now I’m not sure what I can give. I hope and pray that God has His hand in this and I’m doing it for the right reasons otherwise He wont bless my efforts.


    May 6, 2020 at 11:32 am #5253
    Ann Hepner

    Welcome Joe! You are in exactly the right place! Your goals in playing the guitar are very similar to what mine were. Mostly playing hymns for myself. Here, you can go at your own pace and still get the instructional support you need from Jonathan. If you can even eke out 15-20 minutes a day…every two days, you will meet your goals. As you progress I’m betting you will find even more time to practice. I’ll be looking forward to hearing about your success. All the best to you Joe!

    May 6, 2020 at 11:44 am #5254

    Hey Joe, it’s great to have you on board!
    I know the frustration. As Ann said, if you can commit to just 15 minutes a day, it’ll get you progress. Persistence is important. The unclean chords will work out in time as you build callouses. Don’t beat yourself up with frustration. Enjoy the process, knowing that the chords won’t sound perfect in the beginning. Give yourself a month and then look back at day 1, and I promise you will see progress!
    Best of luck to you, Joe!

    You never fail until you quit!

    May 13, 2020 at 4:52 pm #5259
    Cindy Rodriguez

    Hi Joe,

    I’m in sunny California as well.  I just want to play for my Lord in my quiet times and if He wants to use me for more that’s up to Him.  I’m very busy but I have the desire to play.  I’m doing what Jonathan has said in the beginning, just 15 minutes a day at the very least.  Low and behold it does make a difference to be consistent, even if it is just 15 minutes.  I find some days I end up practicing longer or I miss a day or two.   Each day I see the progress.  If I had to practice an hour a day I would get discouraged.

    Be encouraged!

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