• July 18, 2022 at 10:30 am #6673
    Dane Starkey

    Greetings 🙂


    My name is Dane Starkey.  I have picked up and put the guitar down many times throughout the years, but am looking forward to fully embracing this hobby (for good this time) for the sole purpose of enjoying it, playing songs for my kids and worship songs for my Church (someday soon I hope).  I am happy to have found this community of learners, and I appreciate Jonathan’s leadership!




    Columbia City, Indiana (USA)
    "Be the man you want your daughter to marry"

    July 19, 2022 at 12:13 am #6674

    Welcome to the SG family Dane! So glad to have you here! I hope you see a lot of success from the course. And be sure to share your progress with us along the way!

    You never fail until you quit!

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