• December 23, 2019 at 10:27 pm #4940
    Paul Piper

    Hi all. My name is Paul Piper, but I go by my middle name Dee. I have been a beginner of sorts off and on for many years. I got my first guitar when I was about 13 years old or so. I took some lessons and learned some basic chords and bar chords which have stuck with me for a while. My cousin who is now deceased, picked up the guitar around the same time I did. We moved and I started taking lessons again. My cousin seemed to come by it easy. You could ask him to play any song on the radio and he would put his hands on the guitar and it just seemed to come out of somewhere inside him. I struggled along with scales and trying to learn songs. I eventually got discouraged and quit.

    I have tried picking it up again and learning several times over the years. I have always admired guitars and guitar players. The last time I took formal lessons was about 4 years ago. My dear, sweet Christian mother died while I was taking them. It was very unexpected and we were all in shock for a while. I tried continuing lessons, but my father was having a difficult time then without Mom, and I was grieving myself. So I put it down again. That time I assumed for good.

    Back in September I saw my guitar hero that I have admired all my life in concert. Peter Frampton. This was in Houston. I had seen him years ago when I was 14 years old with my best friend at the time and his Dad. Roll the clock ahead 40+ years and there I was again. This was his farewell finale tour. He has an incurable disease which will eventually affect his playing and he will no longer be able to play those songs I grew up to and more. I watched and listened to him play and solo so effortlessly, and I wondered how such a gift, that awesome gift, could just go away. It was a great evening I got to share with my wonderful wife of 24 years.

    That show inspired me to try again. I have been working the last couple months or so on playing and learning. I hope to learn more skills here, and meet and get to know other people who are learning to play. God bless you all and Merry Christmas!

    December 24, 2019 at 11:16 am #4941

    Welcome Dee! So glad to have you in the course. I hope you are able to learn so you can play all of those favorite childhood songs. You’ve got some great motivators to keep you going. I look forward to seeing your progress. Take care!

    You never fail until you quit!

    December 25, 2019 at 4:50 pm #4942
    Ann Hepner

    Welcome Dee! So glad you found your desire to play guitar again. I’m sure you will enjoy this group and will find great success under Jonathan’s guidance. All the best to you!

    April 6, 2020 at 1:00 pm #5169
    Thomas Biesiada

    Hi Dee,

    I enjoyed reading your story. It is so obvious how much emotional spirit you have within you. Soon you’ll be writing your own songs I’m sure of it. Stay in touch!


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