• March 27, 2020 at 10:56 pm #5132

    Hi there! My name is Mari and I’m from California. I’m excited to have enrolled in this class and am looking forward to learning and practicing! I bought an acoustic guitar last summer and I’m finally taking advantage of this time to learn some chords and hopefully at least 1-2 songs. (If it isn’t clear by now, I’m a newbie!)

    For almost a year, I’ve been gaining a desire to play guitar because I want to be able to worship on my own time and make it part of my devotions. The very few times I have tried to pick up the guitar and learn, I’ve struggled with positioning my fingers in the right place to strum any chord. This struggle has kind of discouraged me from learning… but I’m committed to trying again and pushing past the discomfort and failures.


    March 28, 2020 at 6:44 am #5133
    Ann Hepner

    Welcome Mari!

    You have come to the right place to reach your goals. You can practice and learn at your own speed and will get the support you need from Jonathan and this group. Stay determined and you will be blessed.

    All the best to you.

    March 28, 2020 at 3:52 pm #5136
    Lois Olayemi

    Hi Mari!

    I completely understand your struggle with discomfort while playing guitar. I think once you start playing more often you will be able to move past the discomfort. We are all in this together!

    Slow progress is still progress.

    April 1, 2020 at 2:35 am #5144

    Hey Mari! So glad to have you on board!
    Yes, I understand your frustrations. We were all there at one point. Just don’t give up, and you will get past it.

    And remember, if you are having any struggles, please let us know the details of what’s tripping you up exactly, and we can help you out.

    Best of luck!

    You never fail until you quit!

    April 6, 2020 at 12:16 pm #5162
    Thomas Biesiada

    Hi Mari,

    I like the idea of prayer devotions with the guitar! I lived in San Diego, California for 40 years. In 2008 I returned to my hometown in Indiana believe it or not. It was definitely the right move even though I miss the ocean and the other California perks. Have fun with your practice!


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