• April 10, 2018 at 5:52 am #2947

    Welcome to the forums!

    The best way to learn the guitar is with others, and this forum is a great resource for motivation, encouragement, and feedback.

    Before you get started trying to use it, let’s get yourself set up for success, shall we?

    STEP 1: Set up your profile.

    Check out this tutorial on how to set up your profile picture, name, and signature, to make sure everyone can get to know you and recognize you around the forums.

    STEP 2:Introduce Yourself!

    Once your profile is setup, head over to the Introduction forum , and create a new post with your name as the Title. Use the guide below to let everyone know a little bit more about you:

    • Your name and where you’re from.
    • Your experience with the guitar. 
      Just starting? Been at it a few months?
    • Your greatest struggles with the guitar. 
      Strumming, clean chords, transitions? Elaborate.
    • Your goal.
      Playing for that family reunion in 3 months. Serenade my spouse for our anniversary next year. Sing happy birthday to my grandson. Join the church band next summer. Be specific. Having a goal and letting others know about it will keep you motivated. So let us know what yours is.

    STEP 3:Encourage Someone else.

    Take a moment to post some encouraging feedback on 3 other people’s posts. (It’s always better to give than receive.)

    Once you’ve completed these 3 steps, you will be all set and primed to begin using the forums to get and give great value. Keep these guidelines in mind as you continue to use the forums:


    – Post questions related to playing the guitar, especially any struggles you come across during your journey through the Beginner Course.


    – Be encouraging to others who post their progress. Write words of encouragement and motivation to them.

    – If you have suggestions or answers to people’s questions, feel free to give your advice, politely and kindly.

    – Post inspirational quotes or words of encouragement to the public group.

    The forums is meant to be a place to give and receive encouragement and motivation to continue learning and growing as a guitarist. If you post anything degrading, mean, vulgar, or inappropriate, it will be deleted and you may be blocked from the forums.

    By coming together as a community of aspiring musicians, we can all help each other grow. Follow these simple guidelines and you’ll get great value here for a long time to come.

    There are 2 ways you can receive notifications in the forums.

    – The first is by “subscribing” to a thread. For instance, if you want to receive a notification when a new live class is announced, you can subscribe to the ”Live Classes” thread by clicking the orange subscribe button near the top of the thread. After you are subscribed, any time a new live class is announced, you will receive a notification in your profile, which is indicated by a little orange circle at the top right, near your profile picture and name. You can subscribe to any thread you are interested in.
    – The other way to receive notifications, is when you write your own topic or reply to a topic, you can check the box next to “notify me of follow-up replies via email”. This will not only create a notification in your profile when someone replies to that thread, but will also send you an email letting you know about it. You’ll definitely want to check this box when asking a question, so you can know as soon as someone replies with an answer for you.

    You never fail until you quit!

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