• June 13, 2022 at 11:44 am #6654
    Gail Peachey

    I’m Gail.  I have dreamed of playing songs of Worship for 30 years.  Took formal lessons in my early 50s for a full year from a great guy.  Learned a lot but it just didn’t “click.”  Excited to find Jonathan online…I came across many songs in his YouTube videos that I would love to learn and he has the heart of a teacher.  So here I am, stepping into my sixties and starting over.

    Not complaining, but I didn’t expect that a broken then casted left pinkie finger when I was 12 would cause me problems 40 years later lol.  We’re going to retrain those fingers!

    My goal is be able to play and sing along with others hymns and praise and worships songs in small gatherings, including with my family.  I’m choosing to be present and thorough in each lesson and not rush it.  I’m committed to scheduling and completing my daily practices and not shorting them.   We can do this!!

    June 16, 2022 at 7:22 am #6655

    Hey Gail, yes, you can do this!! It’s never too late. It just takes commitment and persistence, which it sounds like you have this time around. Keep at the practice without giving up and you will get there, without a doubt!

    You never fail until you quit!

    June 16, 2022 at 10:51 pm #6656

    Hi Gail,

    You found the best online program for what you are trying to accomplish. I’m really thankful that Jonathan spent so much time and effort putting this program together. I’ve had similar goals for years and finally accomplished them following this program. Best wishes to you!!

    Washington State (USA)

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