• March 15, 2020 at 2:24 pm #5103
    Eric Fry

    Hi Jonathan –

    I’m having trouble getting my fingers into a perpendicular alignment with the strings.  Are there hand exercises that can be done or is this a skill developed over time. I’m slowing down and focusing on my finger position w ea chord. After playing my indents are still at about 30% grade ….. ideas?

    March 16, 2020 at 1:21 am #5105

    Hey Eric, for the most part, this will come with time. But there are some things you can keep in mind to help.

    1st of all, your entire finger doesn’t need to be perpendicular to the string, just up to the 1st knuckle. Because what really matters is the very bottom of your finger, to prevent touching other strings behind your fingers.

    Some chords will be impossible to get a perfect 90 degree angle. Like your 2nd finger on the G chord. It’s stretched out too far and won’t be perfectly perpendicular. Just as long  as your finger isn’t muting the strings behind it, that’s all that matters. If you are having that problem, then you need to shift your fingers more perpendicular, and/or press more with the tips of your finger. Sometimes you can move your wrist around to help your fingers get a better angle.

    Hope this helps!

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