• March 8, 2021 at 11:13 am #5659
    Greg Fahrner

    I picked up the Guitar at the young age of 60 last May during the lockdowns, I tried briefly 24 years ago but we had 3 kids and one was a newborn and I quit too soon. Always on my bucket list . I just want to be able to play campfire type of songs nothing too complicated. A bonus would be if I could play a worship song and surprise my wife.

    I’m struggling with limited beliefs! if you think you can …

    Putting it all together the chord changes , strumming and singing – probably strumming is the most frustrating.

    Looking forward to getting started

    San Jose , CA

    March 9, 2021 at 7:34 am #5660

    Hey Greg! Glad to have you on board!

    It’s never too late to learn, and you are in the perfect condition to pick it up.
    I understand the limiting beliefs. Definitely check out my video on Persistence in the 7 Day Song Challenge section.
    I wish you all the best, and keep us posted with your progress!

    You never fail until you quit!

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