• September 4, 2020 at 12:27 am #5442

    Hi EVERYONE?.  GRATEFUL to be part of the SIMPLIFIED GUITAR FAMILY?. Wanted to learn Worship Songs for our bedridden Mother (who was bedridden for 7 years).  Struggled with the Guitar over the years…..Learned a few songs???….Then i tried the Ukulele for a few years with some success…….That experience made me want to try the Guitar again.  So Excited to go through Jonathan Reaux Course!  Signed up in August 2020.  Took awhile to get dialed in.  Want to LEARN All that he teaches.  Especially A lot of the Worship Songs on the list.  AMDG (“All for the Greater Glory of GOD”?).  Thank you JESUS for leading me here???

    September 4, 2020 at 7:43 am #5443

    Welcome to the SG family, Gee!
    That is a wonderful motivator to keep you going when practices get rough. Stick with it and you will get there!
    All the best!


    You never fail until you quit!

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