• May 19, 2020 at 3:42 pm #5283
    Clive Le Baigue


    My nameis Clive and Ihave just completed 7 days and am about to record my seven day challenge song.  Practiced and got ready to record the video and my phone ran out of battery.

    I got myguitar out of the loft again about a month ago, but felt I wasnt making much progress so I signed up to the course.  I have a lot of enthusiam but little ability.  How could something that looks so easy be so hard?

    I shall persevere.


    Ramsgate, Kent, England. (By the sea).

    May 22, 2020 at 2:46 am #5286

    Hey Clive, great to have you in the course!
    I know what you mean, but if it were easy, a lot more people would be playing guitar. That’s what makes it even nicer when you actually succeed. It is a challenge. You did great on your video in the FB group. You are on your way for sure. Keep it up!

    You never fail until you quit!

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