• October 28, 2019 at 12:46 pm #4841

    Hello, I’m David from Houston.  I’ve been using Youtube to learn some of the basics – a few cords and get my finger tips broken in.  Thus far I’ve learned I’m not very good and maybe not even trainable.  I have trouble strumming and changing chords at the same time.  Heck maybe my fingers are too small although I’ve heard that’s not a factor from people that play.  Jonathan’s site is the one I’ve decided to join because of the music genre choices and the easier chords he teaches.  My goal is simply  to play a few songs in front of friends.  I have a nice Taylor Academy 12E guitar which I had seller put 11 gauge Elixir Phosphor Bronze strings on to hopefully make it easier for finger tips.  So here I go through the beginner course at a slow – very slow pace!

    October 28, 2019 at 1:00 pm #4842
    Ann Hepner

    Welcome David! First of all let me tell you that you ARE trainable. You have come to the right place to reach your goal of playing in front of your friends. Start over again with all positive intentions and you will find that your teacher, Jonathan, will guide you along the way. Each of us in this group goes at their own speed and I think you will find us to be very supportive. All the best to you David. Can’t wait to see your progress.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Ann Hepner.
    October 28, 2019 at 1:05 pm #4844

    Hey David, welcome!

    I hope the course helps you master the chord transitions while strumming. I know that’s a big challenge for a lot of people.

    Progress is progress, no matter how slow. Just don’t give up!

    You never fail until you quit!

    October 29, 2019 at 3:59 pm #4846
    Stan Pierson

    Hi Everyone.  I am Stan Pierson, Augusta, KS.  I decided at age 61 to take up the guitar (2 years ago).  I bought an old Stella Harmony that is pretty much a wall-hanger and plucked on it until my fingertips were raw.  It has a bowed neck and no adjustment, so it has moved on to wall-hanger.  I bought a Seagull Entourage and love it.  Nice to play and great tone.

    I took lessons for a few months and then my work schedule changed, so have been using YouTube and got an app for my phone (SmartChord) that I really like.

    Skillwise, I know basic open chords, minors, etc (G,D,E,A) but struggle with B and F barre chords – need help and practice on these.  I like most music genres.  I can play tunes and sing along (if you consider my voice singing).

    Goals – I like to play for relaxation.  I attend 2 churches, one here in Augusta, and another in a small town we plan to move to in a few years – I want to help with worship music at the small church; maybe I can improve enough to help out!

    A buddy of mine and I were talking one day and we observed that praise and music are 2 things we know happen there, so let’s practice now!

    I have been through Jonathan’s chord charts and transposing sheet – love it.  I studied the circle of 5ths and Jonathan has put this theory into concise form using chord arrangements that “fit” together.  I am an engineer and love the guitar’s symmetry and how many ways there are to play chords.

    Look forward to the classes.



    October 29, 2019 at 5:10 pm #4847
    Ann Hepner

    Welcome Stan!

    It sounds like you have a jump start on learning the guitar. That’s great! I’m sure you will be helping with the worship music at your church before long. That’s a wonderful goal to set.

    Jonathan is a great teacher and this is a terrific group to be a part of. All the best to you Stan. Glad you are here.

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