This course has been an answer to prayer!Robbie Perkins
Do you want to learn guitar for fun, whether for your own enjoyment or for family and friends?
Are you retired and wanting to finally kick guitar off your bucket list?
Do you want to learn guitar to join your church or small group?
Have you always wanted to learn, but never had enough time?
Have you tried to learn before, but still can't play through your 1st song?
Do you hate barre chords and struggle with rhythm and timing?
Then this Beginner Course was made for you!
I've already tried to learn guitar before and it didn't work out.
I just don't have musical talent.
My hands are too big (or small) to play guitar.
I don't have the time it will take to learn.

In fact, most of my students have come to me with the same doubts.
But the reality is, ANYONE can learn to play guitar, and it DOES NOT depend on natural talent.
It doesn't matter how old or young you are, how big or little your hands are, or how expensive or cheap your guitar is.
I've helped students in their 50's, 60's, 70's and even 80's learn to play their favorite songs on guitar. And you can too!
I take it you want to learn guitar to play your favorite songs, and you're not interested in becoming a touring musician.
The problem with a lot of courses out there is that they come with thousands of lessons that teach you everything you could ever learn on guitar. This is incredibly overwhelming for the average person with a life outside of music, and most people eventually give up before they can even play their first song.
If your goal is to learn guitar for fun, on the side, as a hobby, then you need to focus just on the aspects of guitar that will give you the most playability with the least amount of time and effort. You don't need to learn scales and music theory and site reading and even barre chords.
In fact, all you really need to learn in order to play any song you want to play is 18 chords, 3 strum patterns, and a capo.

What other students have to say...
This is one of my students, Ann Hepner. After going through the Beginner Course, she's finally able to play her favorite songs for the first time. Watch the video below to hear how this course helped her finally learn.
This is one of my students, Jill Millet. Even with a busy schedule, she's finally able to play successfully thanks to the Beginner Course. Watch her video below.

"I started taking private guitar lessons for a little over a year. Eventually I got overwhelmed and into a rut. I felt as if my personal instructor seemed to be bored or lost patience with me, making me grow very frustrated. About a month after I quit my personal lessons I started Jonathan's "Simplified Guitar Beginner Course". Now, I have a better understanding of each different chord. I enjoy learning guitar at my own pace and am having a lot of fun doing so – Thanks Jonathan!!!!"Richard Mathers

"This is an excellent way for a new guitarist to learn and get started playing songs."Scott Stroup

"If you are just starting to play guitar this is the place for you. I highly recommend this course to young and old."Ron Jordan

Jonathan Reaux began his musical journey as a music director in his local church. His original music has been aired on local radio stations and won him songwriting competitions that sent him to Nashville. Later in his journey, he focused on teaching, and created Simplified Guitar, a YouTube channel with over 230,000 subscribers. He has helped thousands of students find success playing guitar with his simplified method.


If, for whatever reason, you are unsatisfied with the course, just let me know within the first 30 days, and you'll receive a full refund, no questions asked.